
Virtual Chemotheca




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News from Chemotheca

* April 16th 2019: Chemotheca's video tutorials are now available: Part 1: Introduction and Registration; Part 2: Advanced Search Database; Part 3: Uploading-Editing Molecules.
* April 19th 2018: 1st manuscript on the Chemotheca has been published (
* June 28th 2017: PAINS detection system, based on Baell et al 2010, has been added. Matching compounds can be stored and searched and their structure will be highlighted by a different atoms background color
* May 4th 2017: Re-filter hits button added to the bottom of results table
* April 21st 2017: JSME editor updated to 2017-02-26 release
* March 24th 2017: Edit query button added to the bottom of results table
* March 23th 2017: Click on listed compounds magnify, in a new window, chemical structure and reports molecular descriptors (suggested by Norbert Haider)
* March 1st 2017: fixed a SQL injection vulnerability (thank to Ido Nissim for test)
* Starting February 10th 2017: The Chemotheca alpha-release is on-line. Feed-back and requests are welcome!